Immobilière Le Lion

Real estate

Our participation in the Lobby Awards

3 March 2022

In the magnificent setting of Bozar, in the centre of Brussels, Immobilière Le Lion was a proud sponsor of the “Lobby Awards 2021” which have been held annually for the past 11 years, and designate leaders who have distinguished themselves in various fields over the past year. These are inspiring personalities who, through a strong gesture or a sustained presence in the media, have left their mark on the social debates in Belgium.

The evening was sponsored by Minister Sophie Wilmès. Jean de Kerchove, our CEO, had the honor to give an award to Karen Northshield who has written a moving book about her life as a survivor of the Brussels bombings.

To round off the evening, the hand-picked guests were invited to a cocktail in the majestic Hall Horta.

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Our participation in the Lobby Awards

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